Welcome to my mind...or fragments of it, anyway. Here I will share with you my thoughts and opinions on everything from music, gaming, social networking and random shit I find funny, annoying, ridiculous and worth mentioning. It will not be safe for your kids to read...and, at times, may not be terribly safe to open at work.

You may or may not always agree with what you find here, but you are always welcome to refute, debate and comment on it...and then, immediately go fuck yourself. You have been warned.

Bile, Spite & Hatred

People that know me have seen this list in the past....and it is back, revised and even more hateful! The sad thing is...it will only continue to grow as the unsupervised breeding continues. 

This is in no way meant to be bitter or mean...just the truth as I observe things every day. If you happen to be someone on this list, take it with a grain of salt....and then shave the faux hawk.

I really can't stand people. Not some of them. Most of them.

Ignorant people.

Blatantly stupid people.

People that think they are better than you.

Racists. Funny how most, if not all, racists are quite selective about where they do it. Home with the fellas, drinkin' and talkin' shit or when there is one "minority" somewhere in public. Suddenly, though, they pipe down when in a situation where they are the "minority". If you are going to be a racist, fine, but commit to that shit 100% and run your mouth no matter where you are or who you are with you pussy.

The "badasses" that mean mug you when you pull up at a light, walk into a bar, grocery store or even fuckin' Wendy's. Nobody is trying to fight you dude, in fact - I didn't even notice you until you started starin' me down. Get over yourself.

Bullies. Period. I notice that 98% of the time, bullies only "bully" people that they know won't fight back - and they NEVER do it without their friends there to show off to. Bullies tend to stop that type of shit the first time someone busts them in the mouth or calls them on their shit.

The retards that hold "car clubs" at the local burger joint or empty parking lot and stand around wasting space. I just want my food, preferably without the glow of mag lights and "Booty Bass 7" fuckin' up my meal. And no, I don't want to race asshole.

Dumbasses that have stereos that are too fuckin' loud. Here's a tip: That rattle your car makes when you bump your shit - it doesn't sound hot. And Godammit, enough with the bass already.

Guidos....what the fuck are you guys still doing around!?

Women that need to prove what a "bitch" they are all the time. I appreciate the fact that you don't take shit and won't get walked all over. Good for you, really, but I'm not giving you shit or walking all over you....so stop trying to prove it to me.

Men and women who take out all the bad shit that has ever happened to them on the next person. Being careful is one thing, but to bring on problems just because you had some before will leave you lonely.

People that can't/won't control their kids in public....or anywhere else for that matter. Anyone that knows me knows I love kids, but if your kid is an asshole - he/she needs to be straightened out.

People that think it's their business to be in mine.

People that can't hold their liquor and insist on drinkin' anyway. Alcohol is NO excuse for saying/doing stupid shit, go home and clean up - you're a fuckin' mess.

Anyone on the internet that feels the need to run their mouth to people they don't know and will never meet. Get over yourselves.

People that let magazines, TV and other stupid people dictate the music they listen to.

People that let other people dictate anything they do.

People on places like facebook/MySpace that are here to "hook up". Worse are the people that think that everyone else is trying to do the same thing.

People that curse and otherwise don't know how to act in front of kids. We know all of the colorful words you know - quit showin' off.

Anyone that picks on someone while they are working. That kid behind the counter at Burger King is doing his job....leave him alone. He certainly doesn't need to hear your bullshit while in a store full of people. I don't need to hear it while I'm standing in line behind you, either. Get your shit and go.....or just go.

People at the job that don't work. People that make more work for you, when you have enough to do already. The ignorant bastards that sit and watch you work complaining about how much they hate it there.

People who leave their air conditioned houses, get into their air-conditioned cars and drive to their air-conditioned offices....then while out in the heat for 30 seconds, complain to the guys that work outside about the heat.

People that don't pay attention. Paying attention would cure a LOT of problems....and a lot of things on this list. Wake up.

People that feel the need to make everything about them.

Nosy neighbors.

The guy who decided it'd be a good idea to make cell phones do more than make calls. Pictures, email, games and all that other shit that has people fucking helpless without them.....that guy is an asshole.

The genius that decided to take the McRib off the permanent menu at McDonald's is a douche-bag.

The kid at the video game store that thinks I need to pre-order games, buy strategy guides and take his "advice". I asked you for a game.....now go get it, there are people behind me to bother.

People that try to talk me into buying anything. I understand asking me is your job - so ask. If I don't want it, no amount of suggestive selling is going to change my mind. Although I did break down once and buy a Magic Bullet....but that thing rocked.

People that don't tip the garbage man at Christmas.

People that don't clean up their mess.

NY Giants fans. Ignorant as all hell. Being a die hard fan is something I can appreciate, but to have no knowledge and ignore facts/statistics just to uphold that "fandom" is stupid.

People that confuse Rap and Hip Hop as being the same thing.

Pussies that don't fight fair.

Those that start arguments/debates and don't have the ability to finish them.

People that dish it out and can't take it.

People that take pictures of themselves while in the car to upload to facebook or MySpace or wherever else...those people should run headlong in to something. Hard. Then, back up and do it again.

The guys that jumped on the Mini Cooper and PT Cruiser bandwagon a few years ago and now regret it - should. You were a tool when you bought it...and are just as much a tool now for driving it.

People that don't appreciate good jazz.

Guys that "Poke" me on facebook. I mean, it's silly for the girls to do it...but, really, it's just creepy when guys do it.

Guys that wear sandals and longs pants should be buried in them....on the spot.

Guys that wear crocs should just be completely ignored. And, no, I don't care that you're a nurse...you look like a dumbass.

Guys that wear fucking house slippers out of the house.

Guys that wear "faux hawks". Either commit to the Mohawk or get a fucking grown up haircut. You're 20-30 years old already. Enough with that shit - you look like an asshole.

Emo kids should be given something to be so emotional about or pipe down. You're sad? Fuck you.

Strangers that think they can touch my daughter while telling me how beautiful she is. She is just as beautiful from a few feet away, so keep your hands to yourself you crazy bastard.

People that think they have a right to tell you how to raise your kids. What to feed them, when to feed them, how to dress them, etc. I can tell by looking at their kids thatthey maybe should have taken some better advice. Thanks, my baby will be fine without your wealth of knowledge so mind your business.