Welcome to my mind...or fragments of it, anyway. Here I will share with you my thoughts and opinions on everything from music, gaming, social networking and random shit I find funny, annoying, ridiculous and worth mentioning. It will not be safe for your kids to read...and, at times, may not be terribly safe to open at work.

You may or may not always agree with what you find here, but you are always welcome to refute, debate and comment on it...and then, immediately go fuck yourself. You have been warned.

Monday, February 6, 2012

One Day in February

February 14. This year it's on a Tuesday. On that day, we are held to a standard of "love" that is, for most, unattainable. We must not only remember that oh-so-important day, but also spend an absurd amount of time and money proving that we remembered that day. If we don't, we pay until the second week in February rolls around next year. My question is why?

I'm not going to draw this out and preach about the commercialization of holidays, or how this is a "Hallmark Holiday". Not at all. Only you can choose what you do and how you celebrate this "holiday". Valentine's Day doesn't have to be a day that you go in to debt to celebrate ( though it helps ), so I can't really harp on the commercialization too badly. I, myself, have spent some great Feb. 14ths that cost nothing. Don't get me wrong, it is strictly a commercial holiday...but it pales in comparison to a day like Christmas. At least Valentines Day doesn't use the pretense of religion to make it's money.

My problem is, why can't we just do things that show our love, respect and appreciation just because...I dunno...it's a Thursday? Honestly, why can't I take you out to dinner, make you breakfast in bed, send you flowers, buy you chocolate, tell you I love you and make you feel like you deserve to feel strictly because I feel you deserve it?

For those of you that say, "it's nice to have a day to be reminded how much someone cares for you", I submit that if your boyfriend/husband/significant other needs a reminder to remind you...he probably isn't worth a damn to begin with. Being loved, respected and cared for is supposed to come natural - not forced. If the only time your man does or says anything nice for you is on this day, he was forced to do it. And that really only happens because he doesn't want you mad...and, besides his Birthday, he figures he can at least get a blow job out of the deal. Any honest man will tell you the same.

Anyway, enjoy your Feb. 14th...but remember that it was a card, dinner, flowers that were forced out of pressure and fear. Have a great Tuesday!